My group split up the duties for the creation of our design board between us, with one person each doing the research, layout, design or preparation of the board. I was tasked with researching Brewdog as a company, from their line of beer products, to how many bars they have now. After extensive research, I was able to provide the rest of my group with information needed to influence the design and inform the layout.

I feel that the design board that my group designed was professional and well-made. As every person had a say in the final design, it came out as best as it could have. I like the colour scheme and the layout, as both help to draw the viewer's eye towards our Smokin' Maple beer, as well as sustaining the autumnal theme. I also feel that the illustrated design of our label matched with the 'punk' aestethic of the company's original branding, which assisted in the product looking like something that could be distributed by Brewdog.
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